A buff is a must-have accessory for all hikers. I would even go as far as saying anyone who does anything remotely outdoorsy should have at least one. It is effectively a ring of fabric that is commonly worn around the neck. But there are numerous ways to wear a buff that can help you on your adventures. Here are a few ideas of how to wear a buff:

Neck & Face Buffs
1 – Wearing a buff as a scarf
A buff can add a little warmth around your neck when you wear it as a scarf. A full scarf is too heavy for expeditions and won’t dry fast if it’s wet (in sweat or rain). But a buff is light fabric, that can keep the wind out but dry quickly if needed.
2 – Face protection
While it’s around your neck, you might encounter some snow, hail or dust on the trail. Simply pull up the front of the buff to cover your chin and nose. It’s stretchy fabric will protect your skin from the elements while wearing a buff as a face mask.
3 – Use it as a sleep mask
One of the less-considered ways to wear a buff is as a sleep mask. Maybe you’re staying in a hostel and your bunk mates like turning the lights on at 5am. Or you’re camping, and don’t want to wake up at 3:30am to sunrise. Buffs are soft and comfortable, but will allow you to get that extra few hours of sleep.
Note: While speaking of face protection, think of how to wear a buff in your ordinary life too. With coronavirus spreading and face masks needed worldwide, wearing a buff is a great make-shift mask idea for protection at the supermarket.

Buffs For Your Hair
4 – Use your buff as a hair band
All those fly away hairs? Not an issue. Wearing a buff as a headband is not only going to help keep stray hairs out of your face, but given all the amazing patterns they come in, it’s also super stylish (or as stylish as hiking gear can get).
5 – Or as a bobble, to tie up your hair entirely
We’ve all done it. You go to readjust your hair and *snap*, the bobble breaks. Goddamn. Sometimes wearing a buff as a hair band will work, but for those with longer hair, using it as a hair bobble will be much better. It’s a flexible piece of fabric and will do the job of keeping your hair away while you’re tackling a hill. This is one of my favourite emergency ways to wear a buff!

Lesser-Known Uses for Buffs
6 – Gear attachment
A buff can double as an attachment on your backpack. If you’re packing for a big trip and realise you haven’t got enough *clip things* to secure your gear, definitely get creative using a buff!
7 – Toilet Paper….
Not something I have done, but I know someone that has. When you gotta go, you gotta go…and if you’re caught out, a buff will need to do. Moving on.
How do you wear your buff?
Safe to say, these are only some of the options of how to wear a buff. I have about 5 buffs at home and always carry 2 on a trip (whether a day hike or an expedition). This has been handy when I’ve needed, say, both a hair bobble while also wearing a buff around my neck. It’s also helped when a friend has forgotten theirs and I’ve been able to pass one over. They are invaluable in the adventure world and I suggest you get yours now!
Have any quirky ways you’ve used a buff before? I’d love to know. Leave a comment or drop me a message on Instagram. I also have a newsletter if you want some more handy adventure posts to your inbox. Everything I share is free of charge, but if you wanted to contribute to future posts, I do love hot drinks!