Beginning Rock Climbing: 5 Top Tips

Beginning Rock Climbing: 5 Top Tips

I absolutely love climbing now. But it’s not that long ago that I began this hobby-turned-passion. Rock climbing is an age-old sport that is popular across the globe. Indoor walls for winter, outdoor exploring in summer; competitive arenas, speed races, and levels to suit all. It’s a sport that has a little something for anyone of any age or ability. I’ve put together my top tips for beginning rock climbing, so you can get out there and enjoy climbing things too!

Photo by Victor Xok on Unsplash

1. Don’t buy the gear immediately

When you’re just beginning rock climbing, don’t go buying new gear just yet. Climbing walls have hire facilities, so hire your gear for your first couple of sessions, to make sure you really enjoy it. Once you’ve tried it a few times, you can look into getting gear of your own. Ask other climbers and store professionals for tips. As it can be pricey, definitely check out your local Facebook gear exchange site – there is ALWAYS climbing gear going! Gumtree and eBay are also great for low cost, pre-loved gear. I got my harness and crampons purely through putting a post on Instagram!

2. Find a group

Have a search on social media or google, and see if there is a group nearby to you who would welcome a beginner. With the exception of a taster session many years ago, I had my first climbing session with a group I met through a local walking group. They were far more experienced, but were wonderfully patient teaching beginners, and had me learning knots, belaying and lots of top tips all on my first day!

If you’re Scotland based, do check out Iona’s Adventures (run by another adventurous Iona!) – and I’ll maybe see you on the wall or a hill someday!

3. Try mix of outdoor and indoor

Caution here, as it’s important to know your limits and not put your safety in question. But when I was beginning rock climbing, it was one of my first weeks climbing that I ended up on an outside wall. I was with the group mentioned above, so they placed all the ropes and I knew I was in a safe place. If you can’t find a group, have a look at local outdoor recreation centres for guided sessions.

Either way, I LOVE the freedom of climbing outdoors! Rather than following specific colours, you have much more freedom to choose holds that suit you. For example, I quite often climb with a group of men, who do not have issues with a large chest getting in the way of climbs! So when outside, I have to get creative sometimes, and use different holds to what they use. It’s a hilarious observation and uses the imagination a bit too!

4. Push your comfort zone.

Have trust in the person belaying you. The system is designed to catch you, so try stretching out of your comfort zone and up your climb/wall level. Support other climbers, as the encouragement is a huge boost. It’s amazing what you can achieve when there is someone at the bottom motivating you to give it your all.

5. Have fun!

Most of all, embrace the sport and enjoy it! Climbing is such an enjoyable way to spend an evening, weekend (morning…noon…life?). It’s one of those rare moments where you can zone out of all your worries and stresses, your social media scrolling and your notifications. You’re in your flow, just concentrating on that next hold and how you’re going to get there. It’s immersive, freeing and ultimately incredible fun!

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