Tents, Trees and Bumble Bees


Don’t Describe Mountain Summits As “Conquered”

I’ve realised I was definitely made to be a writer. For as long as I can remember, I really appreciate when people use beautifully descriptive words to describe something. Especially nature and the outdoors. Equally there are some words that make me tense up. Like “conquer” or “conquered” being used …

10 Eco-Adventure and Travel Tips (2023)

Adventurers love the world we wander. With that, we should be striving to make our adventures as eco-friendly and ethical as possible. But sometimes, you are just not sure where to begin. Here are a few ideas of how you can make your next trip in 2023 an eco-adventure. These …

Beginning Rock Climbing: 5 Top Tips

I absolutely love climbing now. But it’s not that long ago that I began this hobby-turned-passion. Rock climbing is an age-old sport that is popular across the globe. Indoor walls for winter, outdoor exploring in summer; competitive arenas, speed races, and levels to suit all. It’s a sport that has …

How I Budget My Adventure Funding

I am not a wealthy woman. Nor am I from a wealthy background. And I am shit at saving. But reality is, expeditions cost a fortune. My expeditions normally cost between £1,500 and £2,500 per trip. It’s a daunting figure in itself, and adventure funding is something that puts many …

Walking in Knoydart: The Most Remote Place in the UK

Knoydart is the most remote area of mainland UK. Located in the North-West of Scotland and accessed by boat, it really does capture the true essence of adventure. A hikers dream paradise “island”, it is a raw, rugged landscape surrounding a tiny village. Away from the big cities and with …