Tag: <span>hiking</span>

Tag: hiking

How to plan a sunset walk (and other sunset adventures)

Are you a sunrise or a sunset person? I’m definitely a sunset person. And recently I ventured on my first solo sunset walk. I’ve hit the hills at dusk before but always with others for company. Planning to tackle this adventure myself needed a little more planning. How long would …

Walking in Knoydart: The Most Remote Place in the UK

Knoydart is the most remote area of mainland UK. Located in the North-West of Scotland and accessed by boat, it really does capture the true essence of adventure. A hikers dream paradise “island”, it is a raw, rugged landscape surrounding a tiny village. Away from the big cities and with …

Hiking The Sierra Nevada: The Spanish 3 Peaks

Also known as Los Tres Picos, this high-altitude hike provided by Spanish Highs involves climbing Spain’s highest three mountains in three days. Each of the mountains – Mulhacén, Veleta and Alcazaba – have their own unique terrain and challenges. It is an ideal hike for a first time altitude trek, …

City Escape: Arthur’s Seat, Edinburgh

I love cities. The hustle-and-bustle, the crowds, the street performers and ordering Chinese food to your house at 3am. But they can get quite overwhelming, especially for a country bumpkin like me. As I’ve mentioned multiple times, I grew up right on the water and love the fresh air and …